央广 中移动 Geear共同助“震”跨年电音派对

22.12.2014  15:22
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来源: n1.itc.cn

  央广、中国移动 、Geear共同助“震”-全新电子厂牌SHOCK“震”跨年千人电音派对,震响新年钟声


  震,八卦之一,代表雷,雷是电击后穿越耳骨的旋律。而“震”是全新的电子乐厂牌,是渴望震荡所有人心灵的狂热Party。“震”用源自科技的电子乐,为你 奉献娱乐态度严谨的千人盛会。震是新的力量,为你注入狂热、简单、能量和效率,“震”不同于那些假装高潮迭起的做作派对,我们会为你奉献性感暧昧又充满力 度的气氛,哪怕你是雄性荷尔蒙分泌过剩的男人或者缺乏激情的女人,此刻都会化身Party Animals成为电子乐的发烧友,跟我们一同踏上震荡之旅开启2015年的大门。

  “震”是包容千人激情的实验室,我们致力于研究如何将这股伟大的力量完全激发。而“震”跨年派对旗下的7位DJ是科学家,他们的神秘源自复杂的生活结构与 多重身份。他们出没于街头,行走与无数音乐节与Club,灵感的积累让“震”DJ成为气氛的始作俑者与电子乐的“机械师”、“解剖家”,他们的音乐远比其 他光环下活着的音乐大师来的更纯粹、更刺激,也更直白、更明确、更狠,并且更精致。请尽情享受属于每位DJ的那一个小时,置身其中,与千名同仁一同释放!

  “震”坚信电子乐反传统的诗意节奏是让派对陷入迷幻的良药,而现场如同时光隧道一般摇曳震颤的光影效果就像催化剂将你拖入另一时空。在这个视觉与听觉组成 的千人幻象隧道之中,你要紧跟“震”舞团的步伐,借助音速的力量威震舞池。与此同时,G-SHOCK会在新年钟声响起时,将记录着这一激动时刻的真诚礼物 从天而降,使派对在幸运的氛围中继续热烈蔓延,化作最强电音震荡波让2015年的一天变得躁动非凡。


  “SHOCK” is a brand new electronic music party. Thousands of people gather to celebrate through the new year countdown.

  “SHOCK” or 'zhen' means thunder in the Chinese eight trigram bagua. Here, it represents the thunderous sound that sends deep vibrations down into the drums of your ears. “SHOCK” is an electronic party that wants to rock your soul and liberate your instincts. It is a party that uses high tech electronic music to provide the platform for a vigorous attitude of entertainment for the millennial of participants. The power of "SHOCK" is that it can fulfill you with simple and pure efficient energy. "SHOCK" is not like all those pretentiously fake orgasmic parties. We are the real McCoy! Our offering to you is a sexy sensation with flirtatious energetic enviornment for all our guests. No matter if you are an over-hormone-secreting-macho-stud or a passion-lacking-timid-girly-girl, we have a place for you here to transform you into a "SHOCKING" vibrating party animal for the new year! Join our journey to 2015 together!!!

  DJ line up: Rulph Zuckermann (Berlin), Jonas Rasch (Germany), Diva Li, Zhiqi, BB Deng (Taiwan), Guoji

  VJ: Clockwork Q

  Dancer: Ice Bing, Hogo

  MC: Pino Da Don, Wunji WU,Raddam Ras

  Address: 2nd Live (Next to Club Latte), opposite from #21 Stand, Worker Stadium, Chaoyang District, Beijing

  Free Drinks Before 2015

  Contact: VC

  Ticket: 18600464516

  E-MAIL:[email protected]

  Media:Mr.SUN 18501090888

  Presale:60RMB Door:100RMB

  BB Deng(Taipei)

DJBB Deng 出生在香港,12岁搬迁回台北, 目前居住于北京。

  DJBB Deng 的音乐风格最早期结合复古,摇滚,Funk到New wave, Indie和电子摇滚。到后来她经过了多场Rave的洗礼,风格开始转变到更纯粹的电子音乐,如Deep House, TechHouse, Tribal House和Techno.

  在这其中的几年,DJ BB Deng受邀参与更多中国大型音乐节,如常阳,张北,INTRO, NorthFace, 草莓,摩登等等,担任演出DJ以及音乐节合作主办方。

  DJ BB Deng was born in Hong Kong and raised in Taipei, living in Beijing now.

  With her broad music style, going from Deep and Tech House, Techno to Indie Dance, Nu Disco and Retro, BB DENG was soon to join China’s electronic music label ‘Acupuncture Records’ in 2011 and quickly build up an impressive portfolio of event experiences. She was DJ and co-organizer for INTRO 2012 & 2013, China’s largest Electronic Dance Music Festival, was headliner and stage director for IN Music Festival and played at the Official After-party for the Beijing Olympics in 2008. Now with over 13 years of DJ and event organizing experience, BB DENG is listed amongst one of the top Electronic Music artists in China.

  Diva Li

  在北京生活数十年,电子音乐的环境影响着她一直梦想能成为一名被认可的女DJ,经过自己对音乐的热爱和练习,她逐渐成为了北京最受欢迎的电子女dj之一,被称为“不仅外表性感、也具备音乐实力的女DJ",并受邀为多位国外电子音乐大牌作嘉宾dj。 她的风格包括deephouse,house,progressive和 techno,音乐中充满了旋律的色彩和活力,让听者不由自主的深入音乐中起舞。她的天赋不仅于现场dj,也参与自己制作,最让她不可取代的一点是她会在现场放自己的音乐,多年的歌唱功底也让她在现场演出时加入自己的演唱,视觉的表演和听觉的双重享受让她给人留下深刻的印象。

  Rulph Zuckermann(Berlin)

  Ralph Zuckermann是一位在柏林生长的波西米亚,他的音乐追求基于复杂和真实的中间地带,迷恋着这个场域的冒险和张力。近日 Zuckermann所在的 Lebensfreude Records 唱片发行了他的首张完整专辑 Serendipity完整地呈现了他的音乐态度:进一步发展并解构电子音乐,混合了古典、爵士、童声以及非音乐的观念和声音,以有意味的当代性掌控着他的音乐现场。

  Zuckermann is a Berlin born Bohemian. Thus, he has never minded the gap bewtween the “good life” and the “rough” world of Berlin underground House and Techno. As a result, his music is sophisticated and real with the intention to merge these opposites - the risk of stepping into the void between them included.

  Concerning his DJ carreer, apart from many upcoming gigs in the frame of “10 years of Lebensfreude Records”, he is resident at Dada, Beijing.

  DJ Zhiqi(Shadowplay)

  DJ Zhiqi作为ShadowPlay的创始人之一,也是ShadowPlay Party的灵魂人物。10年来的DJ经验和强闻博识的音乐素养奠定了他的灵活多变的现场掌控力,擅长以minimal,deep house,techno音乐构筑身体节奏与奇妙幻想的音乐空间,以颇具叙事性的long set为现场带来独特的进入感,风格细腻敏感不失幽默。

  The founder and soul of ShadowPlay, ZhiQi is a guy of multiple talents. 10 years DJ experience and extensive music attainments put master power of party vibe control in his hands. His story-telling long set always bring you to a unique journey, with endless senses and humors, and deliver to the lucky audience his sense of groove and encyclopedic knowledge of rocking tunes.

  DJ Jonas Rasch (Germany)

  来自德国的DJ Jonas Rasch, 自2002年开始在德国的不同城市打碟,他的音乐风格从Techno, Tech House, Deep House, Dub到Hip Hop。沉稳与细致的混音,让听众能够享受于他音乐中的声音细节。2009年搬迁北京,便开始在白兔俱乐部,School, 灯笼俱乐部和Dada bar等演出,并且在2012年参与了INTRO电子音乐节和张北草原音乐节。曾经与Martin Eyerer , Super Flu ,Lee Van Dowski 等知名电子音乐家同台演出。

  DJ Guoji

  2012 年夏天作为Planet Festival暖场DJ开始展露头角,同年加入Passphrase Agentur,在一系列的活动中被更多人所认知,成为Passphrase Agentur团队主力,他内心充满活力和创造力,这一切都体现在他对现场的把控中,从深邃deep house到旋律派techno,他总是能给PartyAnimal们带来惊喜,他的出现为中国电子音乐注入了新鲜血液,绝对是一道不可错过的风景。

  VJ/Clockwork Q

  身为电音圈资深人士和自由摄影师多年的 Louis Yu , 是著名東風上柒樓影像和前卫 FUSE 光绘团队的创立者。 从2007 年开始正式化名 Clockwork Q , 以 Live VJ 身份进行 Party 现场的视觉控制,致力于声音视频艺术和影像空间的延伸。多年镜头后的经历积累也为 Clockwork Q 塑造了独特的 VJ 风格,更强调感性的视觉元素,并用 拼贴、多色彩等多种手法去控制。 Clockwork Q 不仅将视觉与声音同步,还可以跨媒介将影像与空间结合,与 时空产生对话,与参与者形成互动,塑造梦幻般的空间感。

  Clockwork Q 是曾与众多国际重量级音乐人同台演出的视觉搭档,如 Steve Bug, Agoria,D’julz, HYPE, Deetron, KINK, Alexander Kowalski, Marco Bailey, John Tejada,Funk D’void, Secret Cinema, Ramon Tapia 。 他也是国内几个最有影响力的 Party 组织、音乐节指定的长期合作 VJ , 如 INTRO 电子音乐节、 Acupuncture 、 Footprint 、 Syndicate 、追星族乐队等。

  DANCER/Pamyice&flow :Ice 冰、 Hogo

  Pamyice&flow 是一个北京的杂耍组织,LED Poi、LED Stick 描绘出五颜六色的图形!我们会在各种party 上带给你们光的惊艳,光的幸福!

  Pamyice&flow is a juggling organization in Beijing,LED Poi,LED Stick and more ,paint with colorful graphics,we'll bring you the light on all kinds of partys,the happiness of the light !



  2015年0:00点前酒水免费 Free Drinks Before 2015


[编辑: 刘加莉 ]